This sitting in one place is starting to become bothersome. It messes with your head, utterly and truly. All of the sudden you find yourself in a world financial crisis with jobs scarce and people in certain countries beginning to speak the word "depression".
Maybe I chose the wrong time?
Regardless this isn't cool. Mental stress reaches an all time high and there is no way to unwind. Thoughts become muffled, run together, and then become muffled into silence. It becomes so difficult to speak because everyone is feeling something. Meanwhile, a few thousand miles away, a 35 million dollar party goes off in Dubai. Maybe these people have the jobs? maybe they have the money? What is one to do. I can't say I have ever been afraid of not working, and while not afraid I do believe I am getting a little bored with it. Everyday becomes a struggle for head space and direction. I'm sure many people out there are feeling the same things I am.
On an even worse note, last weekend Fritz Hilpert of Kraftwerk has to cancel the Melbourne gig as he is in hospital with heart failure. Poor Fritz. I hope he is doing better. I heard rumors they did keep their Perth gig midweek but as to their appearance in Sydney this Sunday who knows?! I hope you are feeling better Fritz!
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