So this poignant little laser light hit me in the head the other day. The phone rings and suddenly someone on the other line chooses to remind me of just exactly who I am and what I do. I guess when you travel a good deal and have a drink or two people who call choosing to remind you of things makes you a bit apprehensive. I'll always remember the wise words of Tupac Shakur.
"Always looking for a payback, some punk that roughed up way back."
EEEK! Another fine reason I chose to be a lover and not a fighter. So said person is ringing to tell me he hired me for a job. Admittedly he did text me the day before and told me to keep a certain day free. When I asked why his response was, "Look, if it was any of your business I'd let you know. Until then, just shut up." Somehow, some way that translated into, "Hey mate, there are some prominent musicians coming to town and we are covering the gig." I still have yet to figure out how it translated but it did, now just shut up.
And so goes another fantastic dj booking. Global Gathering Festival is hosting Kraftwerk (the godfathers of electronic music), as well as Dj Sneak and a few other choice folks. This is set to become a crown jewel in the music photography collection so stay tuned for some bits and bobs from the show in a few weeks.